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Collecting sports cards is a fun and rewarding hobby, but it can also be expensive. Knowing how much you’re spending to grade each card can help you budget your collection and stay within your desired financial limits.

In this article, we’ll explore the cost of getting cards graded by PSA.

  • Bulk/Must be Collectors Club member: $19 /card (must submit 20 cards or more) | must have a declared value of $499 or less | Estimated Turnaround Time: 65 Days
  • Value: $25/card Card | must have a declared value of $499 or less | Estimated Turnaround Time: 65 Days
  • Value Plus: $40/card | must have a declared value of $499 or less | Estimated Turnaround Time: 20 Days
  • Regular: $75/card | must have a declared value of $1,499 or less | Estimated Turnaround Time: 10 Days
  • Express: $150/card | must have a declared value of $2,499 or less | Estimated Turnaround Time: 5 Days
  • Super Express: $300/card | must have a declared value of $4,999 or less | Estimated Turnaround Time: 3 Days
  • Walk Through: $600/card | must have a declared value of $9,999 or less | Estimated Turnaround Time: 3 Days

For both the Value Bulk ($19/card, up to $499 DV) and Value ($25/card, up to $499 DV) service levels, if PSA determines a card’s graded Declared Value was inaccurately estimated, and actually falls between $500 and $999 instead of $499 or less, the customer will be charged $40 for that particular card versus the higher rate of $75.

Estimated Turnaround Times are estimates only and not guaranteed. A service level’s Turnaround Time is the estimated number of business days that an order will be completed and shipped back, once scanned into our facility. These times are based on, and may be impacted by, PSA’s submission volume and capacity and other unforeseen circumstances. Turnaround Times may change rapidly without notice as conditions change.

Grading cards can be expensive, but with a little bit of planning and research, you can keep your costs low while still building a fantastic collection.

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